Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Ear Cleaning With The Fab-Four

Well, another beautiful day and I realized I haven't blogged about my Fabulous Four Bulldogs in a while!
Today was the Day to Clean those ears!
Let it be said," This Is no Easy Task"
4 Sets equals 8 ears! Imagine if you will. Running around like a fool with a squeeze bottle in hand and one catches a peak and then 80 toe nails start running through my house like bats out of hell. Skidding out on the distressed teak floors until they reach the backyard! Yep.. Picture it!
With Lola done Bella takes off to hide under the patio table. Achieved!  Bella's Ears Are Clean! Elvis is now on the run because he saw me look at him. I capture him,  I squat on him like a professional wrestler would do. Squeeze , Rub and RUN like hell so I don't get sprayed when he shakes it out! Then as I get to Priscilla I look over in the yard and rubbing his head in the dirt like a wild animal is ELVIS! Then it was like he dove into the dirt and came out completely dirty, A BIG DUST BALL! All I could do was laugh and  run to grab my cell phone to take video of this big boy!
So really, You must know what's next?

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