Friday, September 23, 2011


Poor Baby girl!
Nothing worse then a hot spot. And what a location! A top that white bowling ball head! Poor girl!
Now if your Cilla Mama would just stop licking it so you can get that furry face back.
I've used any and everything to help her get her cuteness back! It is just a waiting game.
I am up for TEA BAGS!
Here is some helpful information:

Here is some info:
The first thing to do is speak with your veterinarian. Due to the rapidity of spread
 and possibility of deeper skin infection, it is wise to start treatment with your vet.
 Also, these hot spots can be very painful to the animal -- caution is advised
use a muzzle if need be for your protection.
  1. Shave the area. The first treatment for hot spots is to dry them out 
  2. and get air to the area. Hair loss is a feature of hot spots, but hair 
  3. can also mat over the inflamed area, covering up a potentially 
  4. much more severe and large problem.
  5. Cleanse the area with cool water and a gentle skin cleanser.
  6. Cool compress the area 2-4 times a day with a cool wet 
  7. washcloth.
  8. Medications - Depending on the severity and size of the 
  9. hot spot, your veterinarian may prescribe oral antibiotics, 
  10. topical drying sprays or medications, and/or special shampoos.
  11. Prevention of licking, biting, scratching -i.e. Elizabethan collar
  12. Additional home remedies that can be used until you 
  13. can see your vet:
    • tea bag compresses (black or green tea) to help
    •  dry the area out. Tea can be used as a wash or as a compress.
    • Domeboro's (Burow's) solution (aluminum acetate)
    •  - available over-the-counter at pharmacies to help dry
    •  the skin out. Can be used as a compress or as a spray.
    • Hydrocortisone creams - Some people advocate using
    •  a thin film of an over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream.
    •  I would recommend talking to your vet first -- 
    • in general, creams and ointments only serve to
    •  "gunk up" the area and prevent proper drying
    •  if used incorrectly. Also, if the pet licks it, 
    • you want to make sure that it isn't toxic.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Let's WAIT Until Spring

Let's wait until spring! Running the house , caring for the Fab-Four and changing careers all while my husband is on a movie location! I don't think I can handle breeding too.
Had 3 heartbreaks with one perfect ending last year.
1. Our Priscilla was 2 weeks to her due date and started to spot! It was a case of Metritis  (inflammation of the endometrium (lining) of the uterus due to a bacterial infection, usually occurring within a week after a dog has given birth. It can also develop after a natural or medical abortion, miscarriage, or after a non-sterile artificial insemination. The bacteria that are most often responsible for infection of the uterus are gram-negative bacteria like Escherichia coli, which often spreads into the blood, causing a blood infection. The infection may lead to sterility, and if left untreated, septic shock, a lethal condition, may follow.)
We could have lost her! But we got her to a specialist 55 miles away in the middle of the night and just as we arrived she dropped a fetus. We had her fixed and after 3 days in the hospital she came home happy and healthy!

2. Lola only had 1 puppy in her first litter, A "Lit" , He was perfect and beautiful. 6 weeks later he had to put down because of a under developed respiratory condition. I stayed awake 24 hours straight to feed him drops of pedialite and water. It was a second heartbreak.

3. Lola's second litter. TRIPLETS! They were beautiful! But we lost the two smaller ones a boy and a girl hours after they came home!  Our surviving baby was the first one out , bigger and healthy! She is almost 1 year and lives a great life very close to us. We see her a lot! Roxy is her name!
So that's the 3 heartbreaks and a perfect ending! 
Meet Roxy and Roxy with Mama Lola

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Baby Bella Where Are Your Fancy Jean Panties?

Daddies Little Fatty! She just started to spot!  Second Heat was a planned GO-Time for Breeding! But now I think we will wait until springtime!  So much going on and she is getting crazy little hot spots. Its got to be her hormones! And One dead center on top of her head! She looks a mess!  My snowball is flawed!
Feeling that its best to just spoil her! Now, I have to find her Fancy Jean Panties!
She is so THICK I had to buy her XXL!  They fit her girth but not her legs! It's a sight! She waddles around in them!
She will either:
Try to break free from the panties!
Lay Around looking like she wants Bon-Bon's on a Silver Platter!
Hey, I think its time to BEDAZZLE those Panties!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Ear Cleaning With The Fab-Four

Well, another beautiful day and I realized I haven't blogged about my Fabulous Four Bulldogs in a while!
Today was the Day to Clean those ears!
Let it be said," This Is no Easy Task"
4 Sets equals 8 ears! Imagine if you will. Running around like a fool with a squeeze bottle in hand and one catches a peak and then 80 toe nails start running through my house like bats out of hell. Skidding out on the distressed teak floors until they reach the backyard! Yep.. Picture it!
With Lola done Bella takes off to hide under the patio table. Achieved!  Bella's Ears Are Clean! Elvis is now on the run because he saw me look at him. I capture him,  I squat on him like a professional wrestler would do. Squeeze , Rub and RUN like hell so I don't get sprayed when he shakes it out! Then as I get to Priscilla I look over in the yard and rubbing his head in the dirt like a wild animal is ELVIS! Then it was like he dove into the dirt and came out completely dirty, A BIG DUST BALL! All I could do was laugh and  run to grab my cell phone to take video of this big boy!
So really, You must know what's next?